Well...when I initially started trying to blog, I somewhat did the same thing and chose a fellow blogspot blogger (who was also in a similar niche) who seemed particularly successful judging by his high alexa ranking.
However, after surfing through his blog for a while, I soon realised that even though he was speedy enough to continuously churn out posts at a very fast pace and got, in my opinion, a lot of traffic, the posts that he published apparently came from guides posted by other people in the respective official forums of those games.
And since it didn't quite sit right with me to just plainly use other people's posts without adding something to it from my part (with or without their permissions), I decided against emulating it and stuck to whatever I am doing now.
So now after a year or two since I've started, I was curious about how he did and tried to google for his blog again...which to my surprise, discovered that his blog was gone.
From what remains I could gather from the web, I realised that the blog was tagged as something called a spam host or something and thus Google/Blogspot decided to delete it. So it went "Poof" just like that.
Though shocking to me, one thing I've learnt from this is:
In life, there will be times when your tempted to take the shortcut. And often, these shortcuts will look very attractive and appealing. However, take them you should not, my friend. Tread well and know that 'tis often better to do it the hard way, sweat and toil, then to try and take the easy way out.
- BuLaDiFu -