Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Holidays 2012

Gradually...without me knowing, I have already passed through yet another cycle. Its been almost one and a half years since I've started on this bold project of mine and one year since I've gained approval from Google's Adsense.

However, up until this point, there's still nothing much to show and assure myself that I'm trodding down a right path. From the past year's records, it does appear that I'm slowly gaining traffic from a couple hundreds per month till now maybe 5k a month. Earnings-wise, it has increased from 0 cents a day till something like a couple of cents a day.

But day after day, time after time, these nagging questions kept surfacing in my mind...
- Should I persevere? Am I doing the right thing? Should I take it up a notch or just give it up? What will I see at the end of this tunnel? Will it be good or will it be bad?

Hehehe....funny huh? How these sort of things just creeps up to you (everytime) during the end of the year. But oh point in that I guess...I'm already in way too deep. Anyway, I've already given myself a deadline of 3 to 4 years to see how deep this rabbit hole is. And if things doesn't work out by then, I guess I'll have to start looking for another way out. Well, enough of these mood-dampening stuff...there's a whole new year ahead of us all so...

Here's Google's 2012 doodle for the X'mas season

And here's me (shamelessly using their doodle) wishing you

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas

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