Monday, August 29, 2011

Dreams and Reality

Just woke up having a weird dream. In this dream, I vaguely remember running around an abandoned building hiding from something and then encountering two girls around my age during the run. I think that one of them was spunky and the other was sick. I can't remember much of the stuff that's happened in this part. Maybe because it was the first part of the dream and most people can only remember details about the parts closer to when they woke. 

Then the scene switches to another location. I was with my family and in my hands were some cards. Looking at one of them, it showed a "0.9% First place" in the top left hand corner of the rectangular card. It was the "results" for my math exams and I showed the card to my family. The result for my math exam placed me in the top 0.9% of some cohort I guess and thus gotten myself in first place. Naturally, my family was proud of me in that scene...even my "grandmother". A thought ran through my mind at that point though, about how having good results might not translate into having a job and securing a bright future. is at this point that I woke up. Hahaha.

The exact details aren't really clear and its becoming more and more fuzzy as time passes from when i woke.

The reason why I'm rambling about this isn't to tell you about my dream, but rather about what it set me thinking after I woke...

Why was I running around in an abandoned building? What was I running from? I've never met those two persons why them? (Not that I remember what they looked like...)

As far as I know, I'm way past the "exams and results" why dream about them now? My grandmother passed away long ago, but in that dream, she was still alive... And finally, why exactly did that thought crossed my mind? (Although the present me will agree with it.)

Just what exactly are dreams? Are they just a figment of our imaginations brought about by what we were doing and thinking during the day? Or perhaps they were our temporary "synchronisation" with our other selves in parallel worlds or parallel timelines?

What do you think?

- BuLaDiFu -

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